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Healed and Whole Part 10

Join Ashley and Carlie in Healed and Whole Part 10. What authority that you have been given as a believer? In this series Ashley and Carlie explain how our biggest battle will always be in our thoughts and how to replace thoughts of the enemy’s lies with thoughts of victory found in the Word of God.

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Complete Episode Transcription of Healed and Whole Part 10

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Healing is for us today. It is for everyone. Jesus paid for it, and he wants you to have it. So we want you to catch and this episode, where we’re going to be answering some of your questions.

Narrator: Healed and Whole Part 10
Why live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life? Welcome to the Abundant Life Program with Ashley and Carlie Terradez.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Hello and welcome to Abundant Life. We’re so glad you’re with us in the lounge today. My name is Ashley Terradez and this is my wife Carlie and we’ve got a great program for you today. We’re going to be answering common questions that are asked when it comes to healing.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So we’ve been teaching a series on healing. If you’ve been with us, you’ll know we’ve been spending some time on this subject and you may have some questions. Well I can guarantee you, some of the questions we have here are going to be questions you’ve probably asked yourself. What about this, what about that? We’ve got those questions today and we’re going to be covering those, Isn’t that right?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So we’re look forward to covering those questions and giving those answers. These are like the top most common questions we get asked about healing.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
But if you haven’t been with this, I want to tell you real quickly, I want to recap, if you like, what we’ve been looking at. First of all, we’ve been looking at, it’s God’s will to heal every time. God’s will is for you to be well, 100%. God is good. He’s a good God. He’s a loving God and he only does good. The devil is bad and he does bad. It’s as simple as that. Only religion or some churches could help us mess that up and believe that God does bad things. No, God only does good to his children and his will for you is health and healing. That’s the truth right there.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Jesus had a healing ministry. If you look through the gospels, everywhere Jesus went, he healed everybody that came to him for healing. He never refused healing on anyone and he never put sickness on anyone. He never said to someone that he wasn’t going to heal them. He healed every time.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Even the lady that come to him and said, “What about the crumbs off the table Lord?” He still healed her. So Jesus healed everybody that came to him. He had a healing ministry and Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. And Jesus said to Philip, “If you’ve seen me, you’ve seen the Father.” Saying that Jesus is the perfect representation of God the Father. In fact, I put it this way, my kids find a little bit cheesy when I say this, but I’m going to say it, if God was to take a selfie it would look like Jesus. God was, Jesus was God in the flesh on earth and he healed people whenever they needed it.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So God’s will for you is healing. You can see that in Jesus. You can see that all through the Bible, Old Testament, New Testament. Healing is always a blessing whereas sickness and disease is a curse. And God’s will for you is health and healing.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
We looked at our authority as believers. As believers, God has given us authority over sickness and disease. In fact, God’s given you authority over anything that comes against the Word of God. Anything that comes against the promises of God. We’re talking about sin, sickness, poverty, lack, anxiety, anything that comes against the Word of God, you have authority over as a born again believer today.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
We talked about our relationship with God. We talked about how our intimate marriage relationship with God is how we receive everything and it’s how we receive our healing. We receive our healing by understanding it God’s love for us and Galatians, it says that faith works by love. And we talked about how grace has provided everything. Jesus was grace personified. Grace is God’s provision for us. Grace has provided everything for us through Jesus, through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Everything’s been provided for us, our righteousness, our healing, our provision, our peace of mind. Everything’s been provided for us. Now our part is to accept it by faith. And that’s simply saying yes. Faith is simply saying yes and trusting and believing in the promises of God. That’s our part.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And a today, now we’re going to be looking at some common questions. Did I miss anything that we covered over the last few sessions?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
No I think you did a good job.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Oh great, that was five or six teachings all in one. Praise God.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
That’s right.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And if you want, we have various teaching series on healing, that you can get a hold of if you need any teaching on healing. We have various resources. You can get on our website it’s terradez.com, terradez.com. We are passionate about healing.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Our daughter was healed, only given a week to live. You could see that story on our website. My wife was healed of grand mal seizure epilepsy, taking over 11 different medications a day. She was 100% healed with no more seizures. So we’ve experienced this for ourselves. We’ve walked out healing in our family. And we’re passionate because we want you to experience God’s best. And God’s best for you is to live in 100% health. God’s best for you is to be healed. In fact, God wants you well more than you want to be well. And that’s the good news.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Part of the gospel is provision for your healing and that’s why we want … In fact, our tagline, if you like, in our ministry is, empowering God … Empowering God? Empowering believers in the promises of God.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
That’s right.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Got it back-to-front. Empowering believers in the promises of God. And we want you to be empowered in God’s promises. And one of God’s promises for you today is 100% healing and health in your bodies. Amen?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Praise God. So what are some of the common questions we get asked when it comes to healing? Because these are controversial subjects. Some people will fight us. It’s amazing how many people fight us over wanting to stay sick. They say it’s-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Well they fight us over saying that God is good.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Yeah, yeah they fight us over, “No, God isn’t always good. God does bad things. What about this? What about that?” And I say, “Why are you fighting me and believing that God does bad things? God’s a good loving father and he only has good gifts for his children.” So anyway, what do we have? What type of questions do we have today Carlie?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Amen. All right, well this question here came in, it says, “What happens when you pray and nothing happens?”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Good point.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
That’s a great point actually. I think sometimes it actually, we’re actually hindered from stepping out in our faith and ministering to other people or even from believing God for things to change in our own life because we’ll look back at our past experience and the minute you tell some people that you’re believing God for healing, that healing is for today and you believing do you see healing manifest in your body, it doesn’t take long before they’ll come out and say, “Well auntie Flo believed for healing and you know what happened? She died.”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Don’t get your hopes up.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Right, don’t get your hopes up. And under the circumstances, and they come up with all the reasons why healing won’t work for you and why healing isn’t for today.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And it’s always their experiences at the end.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Because it’s based in their experience, it’s not based in the Word of God.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
In fact-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It’s based in their experience. And one of the reasons that we don’t step out in our faith or we aren’t challenged in our own faith to believe God for more, is because of this fear of failure. People think, “Well what if I pray and nothing happens?”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Get my hopes up and nothing happens. In fact, when our daughter was healed, we took her back to the church we was a part of and that was one of their big things, they said, “We don’t want to get people’s hopes up.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
They didn’t want to really celebrate Hannah’s healing, initially, because they were worried, “Well what if tomorrow she’s not very well?”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And what about the people that aren’t healed?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
“What if the sickness comes back?”

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
They say, “Well, what about those who are sick in this church who aren’t healed?” And because they couldn’t reconcile that, they said, “We don’t want to emphasize your daughters healing.” They believed she was healed, “But we don’t emphasize your daughter’s healing, because that’s not fair on the people that aren’t healed. We don’t get people’s hopes up.” Which is a bit crazy if you think about it.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So what’s the answer to when you pray and nothing happens? I’ve prayed for people in prayer lines and seemingly nothing has happened in the natural.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Right, well we’ve been teaching in this series a number of different topics. One of those sessions was specifically on faith. So I’m going to give you a little synopsis here in a nutshell, but I would encourage you to go back and watch our previous television programs, specifically the one on faith there, because we talked about how faith operates. Faith is how we access the promises of God that grace has provided, but faith does not operating in the natural realm. It says, “We walk by faith and not by sight.” It is a guarantee of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, is evidence of things not seen. Amen?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And so we can’t look for natural symptoms or natural circumstances to determine whether we’re healed or not. We can’t let our physical condition to determine our spiritual position.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Faye says, “I’m going to trust the Word of God. The Word of God is more true. It’s more real. It is the report that I’m placing of highest value over my body, over my life, even over how I feel, what the symptoms are saying, what the doctors report are saying. I’m going to go walk by faith and not by sight.” That’s not a blind faith. That’s not a false hope. That’s taking the Word of God, he sent his word and healed us and putting a higher value on that.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
We had to walk this out with our daughter. When our daughter was sent home from the hospital to die, we took her to a conference to be prayed for. She was prayed for, it didn’t look like anything happened in the natural. We had to take that healing by faith. We said, “You know what? We’ve prayed according to the Word of God. That means the healing power of God is working on the inside of Hannah’s body, whether we see it or not.” It’s not going to change the Word of God. The Word of God is not going to be changed by our experience or our interpretation of it. The Word of God is still true.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And so because we took the Word of God and we mixed it with faith, in Hebrews four it says it profited us something. In other words, the Word of God became manifest in Hannah’s flesh because we hung on to the Word of God, regardless of the fact that we didn’t see any change in the natural. And so we can take confidence.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
I like to give people this example. When Jesus spoke to the fig tree, he didn’t get all upset because it looked like the fig tree didn’t wither up and die. And this is in Mark chapter 11 or Matthew chapter 20, 21. Matthew 21 actually. He didn’t get upset because-

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So he spoke to the fig tree.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
He spoke to the fig tree-

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Cursed it, because-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And nothing happened immediately.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Cursed it, and then but on the outside nothing happened. And then 24 hours later the disciples said when they walked back past, “Oh it’s withered up. It’s dead.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Exactly. But Jesus didn’t get all bent out of shape over it because he knew that his words had power and authority and he knew that when he spoke words, his words contained life and death and they were working effectively just in areas that you couldn’t see them yet. We can take confidence, when we pray for people and it looks like we have seen nothing on the outside, the Word of God is working. It’s just working in areas that you can’t see just yet.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And sometimes there’s a little period of time before we see a manifestation of that word that was spoken in faith. But the Word’s always working.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
That’s good. So even when we don’t see anything in the natural, because we walk by faith and not by sight, we’ve still released the power of God. And we believe it’s God’s best for you to receive your healing instantaneously. That’s how Jesus healed people. There’s one time you had to pray twice with someone because of the unbelief, but ultimately everyone received their healing pretty much right away. And now I believe that God’s best. But you know, we will receive our healing as we’re believing for it and as our heart allows. So I believe sometimes we pray and we don’t see anything in the natural. Now what we can do is we can dig up our seed if you like, or negate our words by saying it hasn’t worked. And that’s what happens.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Mm-hmm (affirmative), you need to hold your tongue.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
“Well, nothing happens, it didn’t work.” But really the power of God is still being released. And I can’t tell you how many times we’ve prayed for people. We have healing conferences all around the world, literally, and I can’t tell you how many times we’ve prayed for people, we’ve seemingly seen nothing in the natural right there. And then we explained to them, this may take a while, this might take maybe tomorrow.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It doesn’t mean a long while.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
No, and it doesn’t have to take a while.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It doesn’t have to take a while.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
It’s just how our hearts receive. And I can’t tell you how many times the next day people will come back. In fact, we used to travel with another ministry and we traveled to the same cities every year. And sometimes the second or third year of going to that city, someone would come running up to me and say, “Do you remember me from three years ago?” Sometimes I wouldn’t remember, unfortunately-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Because you’d ministered to peopled.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Because there’s hundreds of people. But yeah, and they’d say, “Three years ago you prayed for me and I had this wrong with me and now I’m completely healed.” Or, “Last night you prayed for me and this morning when I woke up, the symptoms gone.” Or, two weeks ago, whatever it is. So I’m telling you when we, when believers lay hands on the sick and they will recover, that’s a promise of God. So hang on to that promise. Don’t dig up the seed.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
When you get prayer, when you believe God, you’re releasing the power of God into your body and it’s sometimes just a matter of time. A lot of times there’s things going on behind the scenes that you can’t see. So don’t give up.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
The Word’s working.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
The Word always works.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So apply the Word, apply the Word, apply the Word and don’t give up. Amen?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Amen. This one says, if I’m sick myself am I hypocrite to pray for someone, for healing for somebody else?

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
That’s a great word. We use it, I think it was Dallas, and there’s a lady who had hearing aids, who couldn’t hear, and she prayed for someone else’s hearing and they got healed and they got healed before she did. And then I think it was later on that day or the next day, she got healed.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So I do not believe that you’re disqualified from praying for people to be healed. Let me put it this way, if you’re healed, are you saying that you qualify to pray for people? Are you saying that you’ve got it all together and you’re at worthy vessel? None of us are. God, only Jesus was ever worthy to work for God. We’re doing it under Jesus’ authority. We’re doing it because of what Jesus has done. Jesus has made us worthy. We’re using in Jesus’ righteousness, we’re use in Jesus’ power and authority.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
He’s the healer, not us.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Jesus is the healer, it’s not us. So it’s about Jesus working through us. We’re the hands and feet of Jesus. It’s Jesus working through us. So really it doesn’t really matter what’s going on with you. Jesus is working through you.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And sometimes, interest, say we’re going to minister, if we’ve had a rough day and maybe we’ve had an argument or something, you’re going to be sort of, “I feel less worthy to minister or less worthy to pray for people.” That means I’m basically putting the emphasis on me and my worthiness.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
You’re making it all about you.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
It’s making it about me. That’s a law mentality. No, grace says, “Jesus made us worthy.” It’s nothing we’ve done or haven’t done. So I really believe if you are sick yourself, in fact, it’s a great way to get back at the devil. If he’s put sickness on you, go out and pray from people and see them healed. See them healed, yeah.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Speaking of making hay, I’ve been healed from numerous different diseases and now I love praying for people because I’m like, I’m stamping on the devil’s head every time I lay hands on someone.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
So if you’re dealing with a sickness in your body, then just go on out there and lay hands on people. Find sick people to lay hands on because as God’s power flows through you, there’s plenty for you.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Amen. We’ve seen numerous people being healed of the same condition, by praying for somebody else. So absolutely.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
But don’t give up on your own healing. Keep standing in faith for your own healing to see your own healing fully manifest. Amen?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Amen. All right. How do we pray for children? You know this is a great point actually, because sometimes we think that the children somehow are less able because they’re younger because they have less understanding. Well, actually I find that children respond to the Word of God, usually better than adults do because they aren’t going to come up with all of the reasons why the Word God isn’t going to work for them. Now, sure, we’re going to explain the Word of God, the principles of the Kingdom to children in a simplistic form, but they have a faith that’s undiluted. They’re not going to come up thinking, “Well, I’m not sure if I’m worthy. I’m not sure if I’ve been good enough.” They’re not going to come up with all of the reasons, all of the unbelief that adults usually have amassed by them.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
They haven’t got a bunch of past experience.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
They don’t have past negative experiences.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
They haven’t had a bunch of religious teaching about how healing’s not for today and things like that. They’ve just got a pure, if you like, they’ve got a much more childlike faith.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It is childlike faith. Yeah.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And it works.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And it’s powerful. Receiving healing is simple. But I would say if you’re ministering healing to children, encouraged and involved the child at the level of their understanding. Even a two year old child can say amen at the end of a prayer. You’re getting their prayer of agreement. Amen?

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Always explain to the child, “I’m going to lay hands on you. I’m going to pray for you and this is what’s going to happen. The power of God’s going to go into your body. And the sickness is going to leave.” Right? And I just break things down into a very simplistic way and healing manifests.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
In fact, I love actually having children pray for adults. We see lots of healings that way. And if you have a teenager, for example, this is an important point, but the older children get, the more important it is for them to have an understanding of the Word for themselves, at their level of understanding.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
At some point the authority exchanges from the parents to the child.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It does.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And we’re not sure exactly where that is, but basically they have to-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
I think it’s different for every child.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Believe for themselves. They have to believe for themselves.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And as you raise your children, some of you, like us, might have some strong-willed children and they start to develop their own mind will and emotions.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Opinions, yeah.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Opinions about things as they get older and they need to start seeing the Word of God and speaking the Word of God for themselves. They can’t ride off our faith forever. They need to make it their own. And that is different for every child. But I would always involve the children. We’re not doing prayer to them. We are praying together.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And I would say if you’re a parent of teenage children, then you’re very qualified, because it’s easier to raise the dead than raise teenagers out of their bed in the morning, as I says.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Raising a teenager from the bed is easier to raise the dead for sure.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
All right. What does it mean to win a victory in one area at a time?

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
That’s good. David fought the lion and he fought the bear before he took on Goliath. And we believe a lot of the time when it comes to healing, it’s good to believe God in an area. Sometimes it’s too much. Our hearts can’t go there to believe God for the whole package in one go. Sometimes it’s good to break it down and there’s been various times I’ve seen people healed by breaking it down into one area at a time. I say to them, “What can you believe God for right now?” And their hearts might not be ready to see them completely healed, whatever they’re suffering with, but they can believe, “Well, I could believe for the pain to go.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It’s just stops.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Yeah, “I can believe for this to happen.” And we pray for them and they see that little victory and that really spurs them on, it really encourages them for the next thing.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
It’s like that snowball effect.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Yeah yeah, but trying to believe everything in one go usually isn’t … Sometimes it does. God’s will is them to be healed instantly and God, he’s certainly not going to dim the lights of Heaven to heal it in one go. It’s not a shortage of God’s power. God can heal them of everything in one go.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
But what it does is it something about our hearts trying to receive everything in one go. Sometimes it’s easier for us to see that healing bit by bit. So if people are there, it’s sometimes encouraging. What can you believe for? “Well, I believe for this, I can believe for that.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Amen, amen. My testimony is that I was in a wheelchair at 18 years old. I’d had a brain damage affected. I had a lot of seizures and I had some brain damage there and some paralysis as a result of that and lost the ability to walk. Now that’s not really cool as an 18 year old young lady.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And I’d been born again about year. So it wasn’t like I’d been to Bible college and I had a vast knowledge of the scriptures. In fact, even in our church that that I was in, we didn’t really see any of the power of God. We didn’t really talk about healing. We didn’t talk about the gifts and we didn’t even know there was a Holy Spirit, or at least I didn’t know there was a Holy Spirit. And I certainly didn’t pray in tongues.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
But I did have a simple faith, that simple childlike faith that says, “I know that God loves me and I know that this is not his best for me.” And there was something on the inside of me that says, “This is not part of who I am. I’m not identifying longterm with this wheelchair. This is coming to pass. Praise God.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And then God showed me, I asked God about, “What’s the deal with the wheelchair?” And he says, “Listen, if you want to get out of the wheelchair, you don’t need to believe for everything in one go. You can believe me for just what you can do today and just a little bit more everyday. What you can do today and just a little bit more.” And as I started thinking about that, it kind of reminded me, sometimes people say, “Well, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.”

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
If we’re looking at a sickness that seems like a complete Goliath in our life that it just looks like it’s just huge it’s all-encompassing. Maybe you’re in a wheelchair as well. Maybe you’ve just been dealing with a sickness for a long time, it’s hard to even start seeing yourself healed. You need to get some victories in one area first. Like Ashley saying, “What can you believe for right now?” If you can’t believe God to just get up out that wheelchair and start running, what can you believe for right now? And it might be just for the pain to go. If you’re in paralysis, it might be for your little toe to start wiggling. Whatever it is.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
For me, I realized that if I wanted to start walking, I was going to have to start by standing then. And so I started to believe God for standing. And I started to speak to my legs, commanding them to be strong, commanding them to bear weight. Once I realized that I could get to the position of standing, I started to have my little praise party going on. I started to give thanks for that victory.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And this is really important because sometimes we can get discouraged if we are prayed for, for healing, but we still have some of the symptoms that are in our bodies. Maybe they’re not all completely resolved. We can start to lose heart. But I started to get excited. I started to give thanks for the smallest victory. I’m a big believer in celebrating every victory no matter how small it is, because it’s a big step forward in the Kingdom.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And so I started to get excited about being able to stand and then I realized, I didn’t need faith to walk, I just needed faith to move an inch. If I could step an inch, that was the first step, literally, into walking.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
Before I knew it, I walked 10 steps, five steps, 10 steps, played tennis, climbed a mountain, all with, actually, I went from being in the wheelchair, to walking, to playing tennis all within the same afternoon. Because once you get a victory in one area first, it creates confidence on the inside of us. It’s almost like we start exercising our faith muscles in that area. And it’s not like there’s any more of the power of God working in us, it’s just we’re starting to exercise of faith that we have in Jesus and it starts to become effective.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
Yeah, like lifting weights. You have to start with lighter weight and then you can progress. And one of the tools we use, if you like, when we pray for people is we say, “How’s the pain, is the pain, on a scale of one to 10?” They say, “Well the pain’s a nine.” And then you pray for them, “How’s it now?” “Well, it’s a six?” Well let’s praise God. Let’s talk about it. We’ve got the devil on the run, that pain is going, and things like that. It helps people to believe like that rather than just trying to believe all in one go.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
So we really want to encourage you in that. Start with what you can believe for right now. However small that is.

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
And don’t let the devil beat you up and get you into condemnation for not being a faith giant like you think you should be. You have all the faith you need to get to access everything that God has for you. We just need to start where we’re at. Amen? So don’t be discouraged. Just keep on believing.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
All right, is it important to tame the tongue and how do we do it?

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
We’re talking common questions to healing here and this question is coming-

Carlie: Healed and Whole Part 10
This is about confession.

Ashley: Healed and Whole Part 10
And it says, is it important to tame the tongue? James certainly thinks so. He said, if you tame the tongue, your tongue is like a rudder on a ship. It can turn the whole ship. Ar a tongue is like a spark of a fire. It can produce a whole fire, just one small spark. So the tongue is very important.

When we was kids, they used to say, “Sticks and stones can break your bones, but words will not hurt you.” That’s a lie.

It is, and silly.

Words are very important. So yeah, it’s very important to tame your tongue. I think it’s very important in both ways. One, to confess your healing and to start to agree with what the Word of God says about you. How can two walk together unless they agree? So you need to get the scriptures out about how you are healed, about how you’re the healed of the Lord, about how by his stripes you were healed and start confessing those scriptures.

The other thing you need to stop doing, is stop repeating the bad report. Stop going around telling everyone how bad the report is, how bad it is, how bad it is. In fact, we used this example back a few episodes ago, some people, this is how they’ll say, they’ll say, “Well, I believe that I’m healed and I believe God’s healing me. And I believe first Peter 2:24 that by his stripes I’m healed, but I’m in so much pain. And the doctor says I’m going to die and I’ve got so much pain in my body, blah, blah, blah.”

And what they’re doing is, is they have negated everything that they said first by saying but, and then all the bad report. We really need to switch that around. We need to make the facts, if you like, the doctor’s report and things like that, the lesser thing and the greater truth, because this is the truth, the greater truth, the truth is the highest authority is the Word of God and the Word of God says, you’re healed, you are the healed of the Lord. You’re going to live and not die. By his stripes you are healed and things like that. So we need to, we need move out buts.

Amen. Move our buts. I’m just thinking of this script here, but our confession is important and actually I think this is in Proverbs 18:21, that the power of life and death are in our tongue. We need to start speaking in accordance to what the Word of God is saying. Find out what the Word of God is saying and start speaking that over our situations.

But in Joshua 1:8 it says, and these are Moses instruction to him, it says, “This book of the law must not depart from your mouth. Meditate on it day and night that you may act carefully according to all that was written in it, for then you’ll make your way successful and it will make you wise. Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

If we want to have a prosperous way, if we want to be in prosper, prosper in the area of health, it’s the same thing. This is true for us today. Meditate on the Word of God. That word meditate. That’s not just like I’m going to sit in a circle and do a kumbaya.

How’s it go again? Do it again. How’s it go?


One more time I missed it.

No, I’m not doing it. But it’s not talking about that kind of meditation. It actually means to speak it, to study it, to utter it or roar it like a lion.

Roar like a lion.

Amen. We need to roar the Word of God into the giants in our life, and roar it at those mountains. Amen?

I feel a song coming on. Feel a song coming on. You’re going to hear me roar.

Oh no, please don’t. But we need to speak the Word of God, to study the Word of God, to keep it before our face, day and night. When we were going through challenges, one of the things that we found really helpful, was to just write our scriptures. We put them on sticky notes and put them all around our apartment.

In fact Post-it notes were designed by a Christian to write out Bible verses. He’d write our Bible verses on a piece of paper and put a bit glue at the top, to stick them. And that’s how Post-it notes got invented. So you might want to fact check that.

Well there you go.

But anyway- [crosstalk 00:24:52]

You heard it here, actually, there it is.

We write Bible verses and put them on sticky notes all over the house. So we put the Word of God in front of her eyes. So when we was brushing our teeth, when we was getting milk out the fridge, we would see those sticky notes about the promises of God. And I’m telling you, when you’re in a battle, you need those promises of God before you. You need to set them before you, and you need to be meditating on them and thinking about them all the time.

And you say, “Ashley, how can I think about that? I have a job to do. I have different things to do.” Well, God has given us the ability to have something playing on the back of our minds. Basically-

Yeah, some people call it worry.

It’s like worry.

They effectively worry and do their job at the same time, so.

Yeah, you can worry at the same time as doing your job. So really it needs to be reversed. You need to be meditating on the promises of God and have that playing on your mind all the time. Have the promises of God playing in the back of your mind all the time, praise God.

You know, one thing that I find really helpful actually is to pray in tongues. If you want help receiving your prayer language, you can phone our prayer line, you can email us, we’d be happy to help you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongue.

But one of the benefits of praying in tongues is it builds you up in your faith and it keeps your mind centered upon the promises of God. Amen?

Jude 20 and 21 says, “You build yourself up in your most Holy faith, pray in the Holy Spirit.”

It’s powerful.

It’s very powerful. Praise God. So we’re out of time this time, I want to pray for you before we let you go. Thank you for joining us today. Father God, I thank you for everyone watching and listening today. I thank you Lord, your will for them is to be healed and whole. I thank you Lord you only have good for them. I thank you Lord you love them and wherever they’re at, Lord, I thank you that your love is with them and your presence is with them right now. Praise God, thank you Jesus.

Amen. And right now I just want to take authority over stiff muscles, over stiff bones and joints and things that have been causing problems right now. We release those things in Jesus name. Amen.

Amen. We curse arthritis in your body. We curse any disease and pain in your body right now.

Inflammation go.

In Jesus name. Amen.


We received that praise God. That’s the truth for you. Thanks for joining us. We’ll be back real soon and until next time, remember, don’t just live a normal life when you could be living the abundant life.

Speaker 2:
To order your copy of this teaching, visit our website, terradez.com or call us at (719) 600-3344.

Hey, thanks for joining us today. We’ve been answering your common questions concerning healing and we have a whole series on this. We’d love you to get these resources. You know, God wants you well and looked at so many different things about how it’s God’s will for you to be healed, about how he’s given you authority as a believer, about how faith works by love. I’m telling you, you want to get these resources, they’re going to help you receive. God has good things for you and he wants you well and he is longing to give you everything he’s paid for. So go ahead, get the resources, the instructions are on your screen. They’re really going to help you in your relationship with God.

Speaker 2:
Call us at (719) 600-3344.

Speaker 5:
Their hearts is for people, to set people free with this abundant life.

Speaker 6:
Had chronic pain in my shoulder, I can’t sleep at night. I’m healed. I can hear better. Praise God.

That’s awesome, praise God.

Thank you Lord.

Speaker 7:
Oh, Ashley and Carlie, I think they’re amazing. I think they have a great ministry. I think they’re inspired. I think God’s really working in their life.

Speaker 2:
Through the many outreaches of Terradez Ministries, people are being saved, healed, baptized in the Holy Spirit and are receiving financial miracles

Speaker 8:
Oh, it’s wonderful. We’re supporters. We started supporting them last year and since we’ve done that, we have been so blessed. Our house is paid off, our cars are paid off, we are debt free.

Speaker 2:
Terradez Ministries is dedicated to empowering believers in the promises of God. Join Ashley and Carlie in spreading the good news of abundance and freedom. Become a partner today.